Monday, June 2, 2014

Iggy Azalea Shuts Up Internet Haters

Standing up for herself, Iggy Azalea speaks up against her haters early Monday morning (June 2).

The ?Fancy? singer tweeted, ?Just remember while your all at home online cracking jokes about artists etc that Most of you have done NOTHING. NOTHING! With your lives.?

Iggy went on to tweet, ?Don?t flex someone else?s achievements. So many of you Internet kids quote the feats of others as if they were your own. And just to clarify for anyone who didn?t understand that last statement goes out to people who bully others.?

She concluded her rant with, ?Don?t be cruel to one another. And learn to understand how much work it takes to achieve anything in life?. Success should be celebrated and not used as an excuse to be awful to others, especially when it?s not even your own. That was my point.?


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